Wednesday 18 September 2019

How to get TIN no(Tax Identification Number) Faster and free in Tanzania

In order to conduct business in Tanzania we have to follow rules and regulations which are set by our government,there are important things to have example certified certificate of business and also Tax identification number TIN,This is given free by the TRA. Here i am goin to summarize on how to get TIN number for your business ,there few steps to follow

Steps to follow in order to get TIN number

  • You can do online application through TIN number online application then after application you can visit the TRA office near you to take a clearance form ,Tax clerance is the document given by TRA to approve your information and your Business. 
National ID card

 1. You must have national ID card
2.Defined physical location of your business,TRA should come to access you business and approximate how much you have to pay the Tax.
3.Identification letter from local government authority
4.Go to TRA office and submit those things the process will take 1-3 days till you get Tin Number.

If you are trying to find a TIN for the company you have to start first at BRELA which deals with company registration.

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About the Author

Mussa Msemakweli is a technology entrepreneur, Book writer and digital marketing expert. He is currently C E O at the Africa shared . His work has been featured in a number of publications, including the Maisha halisi Magazine and on Culture trip. If you have a good time follow me on facebook and instagram or leave a comment, Thanks.
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Mussa Msemakweli

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