Sunday 21 August 2016


Confidence  is a dress which human beings have to put on, when you have confidence you can believe in your ability ,have self determination and you can possess self positive thought in your life, with self confidence its easy to attract success,money and friends ,today I would like to list some tricks to boost your self confidence

1# Believe in God creation

God never made a failure,if you were created by God you are a winner,the  work of God is perfect,its true  I assure you God created human being in his image (genesis 1:26)he gave him mind,researchers say normal human being use 10% of his brain in daily activities 90% are not used I assure you ,you are powerful than what you know believe it now,the issue is to use your mind to the full capacity.

2# Socialize with people
Image result for social pictures black people
There some people who tend to be loners and think people ignoring them because are not perfect people,it reaches to the point where this kind of thinking drain all their self confidence and they start doubt their ability about themselves,feeling of no value before others, and finally being affected badly with this negative thought ,by socializing with other you can maintain healthful mind and control,you can also contribute on others life and being given credit and valued and hence boost your confidence.

3# Believe in what you have

If you  don't believe in what you have you don't have anything.You have to see your cup of water half full and not half empty, be positive for what you have I believe you are better on something else example there are people better in athletic,sport,acting, singing  or academically they  perform better in English,mathematics, kiswahili, etc  don't think to be perfect in everything,keep doing what your doing to the best level, and you will finally recognized.

4#  Be smart and prepared

Just think on what you wear,before deciding what to put on your body try to relate with the environment you are going to, don't put on tight clothes while you are going to public place,or you have a presentation,if you have the  presentation get prepared early,being in relaxed clothes and preparation boost you self confidence.

5# Ignore negative thoughts and opinions about you

You are only you who knows your ability don't let anybody tell you that you can't ,even if you can hear negative voices don't accept them those are poisons to your ability  say big NO to them,because you deserve better,stick with positive people ignore people with negative thought towards you ,try to think like a champion (Donald Trump )
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About the Author

Mussa Msemakweli is a technology entrepreneur, Book writer and digital marketing expert. He is currently C E O at the Africa shared . His work has been featured in a number of publications, including the Maisha halisi Magazine and on Culture trip. If you have a good time follow me on facebook and instagram or leave a comment, Thanks.
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Mussa Msemakweli

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