Tuesday 17 April 2018

Top 10 list of largest Charities in Canada

largest Charities

 Here is the list of Canada's 10 largest charities measured by donations. In total, Canadians donated almost $1.5 billion to these 10 charities. Charity Intelligence estimates this is roughly 9% of the $16 billion Canadians give to charities each year. That's a huge degree of concentration. Canada's largest 100 charities receive approximately 33% of total Canadian giving.

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Charity Intelligence has independent reports on each of these charities so Canadian donors can be informed and give intelligently. To view a profile, simply click on the name of the charity below

Rank and Charity Name

                                                                                                      ($ millions)

1.World Vision Canada                                                                 253.2

International development and disaster response

2. Salvation Army                                                                         189.7

National programs

3. Plan Canada                                                                              145.8

International development and disaster response

4.Canadian Red Cross                                                                   142.7

National community health programs, international development and disaster response

5.Canadian Cancer Society                                                           142.4

Cancer programs, advocacy and research

6. SickKids Foundation                                                                136.7

Fundraising organization for children's hospital

7.United Way Toronto & York Region                                       131.5

Fundraising organization granting to multiple social service agencies in GTA

8. Heart and Stroke Foundation                                                    116.2

Heart disease prevention and research

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9.Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation                    104.3

Fundraising organization for hospital

10.Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation                                     95.2

Fundraising organization for cancer hospital
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Source: Charity intelligence

About the Author

Mussa Msemakweli is a technology entrepreneur, Book writer and digital marketing expert. He is currently C E O at the Africa shared . His work has been featured in a number of publications, including the Maisha halisi Magazine and on Culture trip. If you have a good time follow me on facebook and instagram or leave a comment, Thanks.
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Mussa Msemakweli

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