Saturday 8 October 2016

10 problems you will face if you decide to be single for longtime

Agree or not, everything has positive and negative side,
Have you ever though what would happen if you stop loving and stay single for long time?
Will you get some negative changes? of course yes, today I will talk on the negative impact experience for someone who stay for a long without having a partner there are psychological effects as I explain here 

1 # Develop the (masturbation) behavior
So many young people are finding themselves in this tendency, doing masturbation to satisfy emotions and their bodies this character reaches to the point that becomes addicted they fail to stop it , remember this habit has its negative impact in the body

2 # Stress
This comes from  missing a person near you who is able to associate your things especially someone to tell about inner emotional state ,you can find yourself  spend a lot of time to thinking and doubt  ,and sometime you feel shy to share your feelings with your friends.

3# Careless about the appearance especially on what to dress
Often the person being in a relationship can keep himself well his body and clothing in case you live alone this situation could be lost. Careless about your phone believing no one to bother you calling and chatting with you always.

4# Developing selfishness, you only consider yourself
When someone is in love learns about ones needs and what keeps them smile, what makes her happy? Maybe your presence, you consideration and other many we learn to give other and the true happiness in love should be shared, if you are not in relation you can lose this feeling and start consider yourself, sometimes to have a girlfriend can give you inspirations  to grow economically.

5# Watching pornography
People will find they built the habit of watching pornography dissidents either on their phone and there are others much prefers people to look people who having sexual intercourse or listen to story of love.

6 # Developing alternative disposal habits like alcoholism
Image result for drunkard
This behavior becomes a substitute for ascertaining when you want comfort after great stress and adjusted so that a person decides to get drunken alcohol or drug use and marijuana

7 # loss of confidence
Associating with the people of opposite sex improves confidence, a person loses the ability to speak confidently with people of the opposite sex and he feels embarrassed sometimes, you my can start to doubt yourself maybe you are not perfect as a man, which can damage psychological system.

8 # vulnerable to loneliness
Especially in case all your friends are in relationships will wrinkle you feel very lonely nobody to tell your secrets of your heart and you think and fear to be ridiculed by friends who are around, you can start hate people of a particular sex for no reason.

9 # The time you decide to be in relationship you will find yourself have no power to control the relationship, Due to lack of sufficient experience in the matter of love, the issue of relation can destroy your business if you cannot play it safe, if you can’t control love, the love will control you be carefully.
 the relationship, Due to lack of sufficient experience in the matter of love, the issue of relation can destroy your business if you cannot play it safe, if you can’t control love, the love will control you be carefully.

About the Author

Mussa Msemakweli is a technology entrepreneur, Book writer and digital marketing expert. He is currently C E O at the Africa shared . His work has been featured in a number of publications, including the Maisha halisi Magazine and on Culture trip. If you have a good time follow me on facebook and instagram or leave a comment, Thanks.
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Mussa Msemakweli

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