Thursday 6 October 2016

10 things women want,make sure you have

Men are pretty simple creatures, really. If a woman is attractive, we want to meet her. If she turns out to be interesting, intelligent or funny, we want to get to know her better. women are different look their priority here

10# Independance

Women want to know that a man can take care of himself. They want a guy who is capable and independent, able to make his own decisions, pay his rent, and cook dinner for himself. Despite what you might think, no woman wants to be your mother (besides, of course, your mother).

9# Appearance
They’re much, much better looking than we are, what with our sharp angles, our hairy backs and our doughy centers. It is truly one of their great virtues that women are willing to spend so much time in our company despite our undeniably simian appearance.
Women care about look too,although is not much like men do,wear clothes that fit to look in shape

8# Optimistic man

A man who is positive looks attractive to women no one needs to be with a man who is always worry,optimistic person make them to feel good and inspiring

7# Communication skills
Women place priority to men who talk to them and express themselves about what they and love feel,women are know for their capability of conversations they love someone who can listen them,all what women wants is to be listened this is what many guys ignore because are action oriented.

6# Sociability and cheerfully

Women wants a man who is cheerful and social,who socialize with his coworkers a man who can carry on conversations and not strong silent type

5# Intelligence

Many women find smarts as sexy as physical appearance. For some of us, this can be frustrating, because, let’s face it, we’d all like to be smarter, and at one time or another we’ve all felt like the dumbest guy in the room. Avoid running your mouth on subjects you know nothing about. Better to be suspected a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt

4# Ambition
Men too often think that all women care about is money, but that’s nonsense. Sure it may be true of some women, just as it’s true of some men, but women aren’t characteristically attracted to rich guys. The reason women gravitate toward men with successful careers isn’t because of the size of their paychecks, but rather because their success at work is indicative of certain attractive personality traits: commitment, discipline, strong work ethic -- all of which are things that will likely make a guy a good partner.

3# Passion
Enthusiastically extolling the virtues of your fantasy baseball team is OK, but it’s much better to be passionate about something a little more serious, like your job or a humanitarian cause. Women love to see that you’re passionate, because in their minds passion in one sphere of life that can be transferred into another sphere of life, namely the bedroom.

2# Sense of humor
A good sense of humor is one of the qualities women almost always mention when listing off the things they look for in a man. We all know how much more fun funny people are than dull, grumpy people. Now this does not mean you need to be “the life of the party.” Women typically don’t gravitate toward drunken buffoons. A good sense of humor just means you know how to tell and take a joke.

1# Confidence
Confidence is king. That means even if you can’t categorize yourself as “the total package,” as long as you feel good about what you have to offer, and as long as you’re comfortable with yourself, you have a shot.

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About the Author

Mussa Msemakweli is a technology entrepreneur, Book writer and digital marketing expert. He is currently C E O at the Africa shared . His work has been featured in a number of publications, including the Maisha halisi Magazine and on Culture trip. If you have a good time follow me on facebook and instagram or leave a comment, Thanks.
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Mussa Msemakweli

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